Friday, November 06, 2015



don't know should i be happy or sad
the bad thing is i'm having spm right now but i still can't believe it lol
the good thing is i survived the first week of spm hah

x1000000 thank you KPM
 forget the stupid questions given and
finally an official good-bye to bm and sejarah
hope that i'll never see you again
and you won't be missed *wave as hard as i can*

 you know what?
i really appreciate the words you said to me
they encouraged me, boost up my confidence,
and even made my days *shy*

goodluck to all the spm candidates
keep fighting till the end xoxo

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

No regrets



从小学到初中对最好朋友的定义其实都蛮模糊的,不是没有最好的朋友,是最好的朋友并不是最后的朋友。我相信在读着这篇感言的你也能同感深受。自然而然地,上了高中,就不纠结这个 “ 我最好的朋友是谁 ” 问题了。其实,那么幸运地有七个很好的朋友,那就足够了吧。在这里为了不让那位伤心落泪,好啦,男闺蜜在我心目中,位置算很高了。



还有,老是凭着一句 “ 反正别人都不认识我们 ” 真的不知干了多少蠢事。想想也对,高中时期不这样玩,难道要等老的时候才这样吗?对了,我们还有个猪脚八人帮的代号,真是的,有够呕的,当初选名字不能选好来吗?都够猪了还要叫猪脚,我的妈哈哈哈哈哈。




一月十一号出世的瘦仔,每天都在骗我们她有超过四十公斤的罗笋青,我们都叫她啊青。每次都无意地搞了很多好笑的事,让我们捧腹大笑的一定是她。虽然是我们当中最老的,可是一点也不成熟。不成熟的孩子竟然第一个拿到驾照,成为我们的首位司机。其实我们都知道她最朦朦哒,不知哪里来的勇气,我们竟然超大胆地相信他,让她载送。告诉你哟,这比过山车还要刺激!所谓信任,就是我不顾身命危险选择你当我的司机吧科科。一辆 kancil 也让我们挤了八个人,这就是青春吧。相信我,她的意志力超级顽强,能忍受我们的欺凌和耻辱,世上就有她一个罢了哈哈哈。其实你老常问我是不是讨厌你每次跟你闹针对,哎呀我要是真的讨厌你我连针对你都不想啦。明吗啊青宝贝,么么哒。以后如果没法上同一所大学,肚子应该很饿,因为上课都没有你带食物。你最好给我吃肥一点,免得显我肥。

每个女生日夜幻想的男闺蜜应该是个大帅哥,我也是这么想的。可惜,那只是幻想。称不上什么大帅哥,也不是什么小帅哥,他叫黄楷升。超级烦人,超级乱水,超级爱讲大道理,超级喜欢看美女,超级喜欢做蠢事,也是超级丢人的那一位。我知道,负面的咨询太多,但我依然爱你,呕哈哈哈哈哈哈。什么有你真好啊谢谢你耐得我每天骂你每天损你啊我不想说,我怕写着写着变成情书。还有啊,老是跟我们不去学校不去补习过不去,以后都没得你唠叨了啦。以后出外读书还几可怜你室友的,别为难人家,我怕人家受不了。不要再和别的女生调情了,你那是性骚扰。哎呀还是改不了每分每秒损你的恶习,可是我知道你会原谅我的对吗对吗。希望以后都不会再有一个玩笑让我 unfriend 你的事故发生了啦,真够幼稚笑死人。但愿咱们友谊长久你未来女朋友你懂的哈。可是能不要每次讲同样的话吗?很 gay 咧。

世上很多人喜欢小狗,但我们当中有位猫控,一六二小孩赖敬霖。猫是他的一切,有些猫猫主人失散找不回的悲哀,我们这些局外人是不会懂的。以前是个自闭儿,现在变成了众多人的男神,但是,我并不是众多人。可是到头来是个 boyfriend material,未来女朋友真幸福。是喜欢唱歌,可是没想到那么好意思唱得那么大声。常常因为破音走音假音让我们发狂,想把死他。偷偷称赞他一下,他唱晴天很好听,也只有唱晴天好听。别看他随便随便那样,遇到不爽的人也能跟我们一起骂那些人骂到一文不值。标准完美主义者,强迫症病患。有 lion king 之称,撕纸王,下辈子就当树吧你科科。不要再烦矮不矮的事了,有更重要的事等着你。也不要再拿 A 很高来做理由,懒惰就懒惰哈哈哈哈哈哈。为了不再让你抱怨,我每个人都写差不多一样长哟。虽然生日正好落在考试,但会帮你庆祝生日的,放心好了以后也会。

唯一一个帅哥出现,菲律宾混马来西亚翁德吉,混血儿啊不是开玩笑的。华语不是很好,每次看不懂我们在讲什么。英文很厉害两下,不用紧,帅哥都是讲英文的。每天脸红红,耳朵也红。平时话不多,但一讲到他有东西讲的话题,也是讲个不停。我们当中第二个有驾照的,几时要载我们去玩?不然你要出美国了咧哈哈哈哈哈。也是我们最佩服的,因为你的同座,左边和右边都不太理想,对面又一个唱歌不停的,辛苦你了!每次 ponteng kelas tambahan 每次去吉隆坡马六甲关丹,弄到我们心里不平衡。祝你早日买到那个最辣的韩国拉面,每次看你发神经的表情深深被那个面吸引,是好吃,但是你很 over 夸张咯。去美国了记得不要一去不回头,不然以后看不到你了。做不成 pilot 可以做卖电脑的 salesman 啦其实。下次如果有 gathering 不要再去吉隆坡马六甲关丹了,一定要来给我们挖你秘密!

我们还有萝莉杀手也,丘家盛小弟。网络现实摆明两个人,认识的人是国际化的,哪里都有。不知道什么时候开窍了,终于和我们变得很要好。也变得很好意思,比如说戴着耳机上课有时还要唱歌小小声,在马路中间跳舞这种违背自然规律的事他都做了。他很厉害的,会讲法语,德语,日语,什么语都会,讲的英语还有 british accent。因为我们,他本来有些看小爸爸去哪儿第三季,怎知一看就爱上,现在是一个小粉丝。二十四小时上线,每次群组发言几乎他第一个已读,而且不回那种,欠打。他妈妈说他无肉不欢,笑死我们。你虽然丑照不多,但凭那张嘴唇我就可以打遍天下了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈我不会泄露出去的,不会的。别看他平时很害羞,其实他内心狂野,也非常情绪化,我是指在情感方面啦。还有不要每天对着电话,知道你想掩饰掉你的尴尬,可是每次我们分享秘密你只负责听很不公平咧。

对于我自己,我不知道该讲什么。谢谢你们每一次的包容和容忍,我知道我很 ego 很霸道脾气更是不好。也谢谢你们,让平凡的日子显得不平凡。


Sunday, October 25, 2015


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Beg for a pause

i'm just tired
tired of being myself
everyone was like taking granted of me
maybe I did that to everyone too
the worst part is even the closest are not close to you
life is a mess, and i'm falling into the mess

 "nobody dies a virgin, life fucks us all" 

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

What do you mean?


Friday, September 04, 2015

You said i'm crazy


然后再被拉近 再被推开


没有吧 我知道的


Monday, August 10, 2015

Fed up X Stand up

No preparation, no motivation, and no confidence
but spm trial exam is on tomorrow
Okay, cool

Goodluck btw xoxo

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Au revoir

We met for once in two years ago
We knew each other in this June
We went for camp after that again
We joined activities together in July
and we became a part of each other life

This is how fast we get close with each other
I know this friendship is cool af

You have been replaced by them
and i feel sorry about it
maybe it's time to say goodbye

 "Sometimes, goodbye is the only way" 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Yesterday, I got the news that zoeypky has broke up with her boyfriend, I feel her,and I mean it. I know it's dumb to not moving on after these nine months, but haters gonna hate, who cares? at least I had tried hard to let go. Thus, I decided to reblog this.

"The end of the road is here. A journey of 2 years & 2 months ends here.

I don't understand what happened or how it happened. How does one simply lose feelings for someone that meant the world to them? Is losing feelings even an excuse to break up with someone? Is it even a legitimate term? You hear people breaking up because a partner cheated or is absolutely intolerable. Am I intolerable or did you cheat?  

You made a point before this, you told me that if it was that easy to lose feelings for someone you loved so dearly, the relationship wasn't real enough. You used to condemn others for their breakups and told me that we would never end up like them because you made me promise that we will always work things out no matter how rough the road gets. Did you forget all that?  

You told me you lost that spark we once had and you tried for months now trying to get it back but you couldn't lie to yourself and me any longer. Did you really believe that after being together for years, we'd still have that same spark every second and every minute of the day? I was content with mutual support, caring for each other, listening to each other's experiences, occasional surprises and being one hundred percent loyal to you. To me, those were signs I was in love. To me, those were signs that I was in a stable and mature relationship but I guess that's not what you had in mind as time passed. I tried so hard to keep everything in place that it eventually fell apart. Was I trying too hard? Or was my efforts not enough? Since when did you become so confused? Why didn't you give me a heads up or talk to me about it? Why didn't you make sure we both tried harder and why didn't you settle with the fact that it was enough that we were both happy and we had each other. I tried everything, I really did.  

It's not fair that you left me and it's not fair that you didn't talk to me about it before dropping the bomb on me. Everything I thought I had in place is now falling apart. Everything I thought I knew and everything I stood for is now a blur. I miss you so much and I don't know what to do. I never thought this day would come, I thought we were stronger than this."


Friday, June 12, 2015


They think i'm stupid
but i know i'm just stubborn af

You won't know what happen in the end
so just wait and see yah

Doing something that i'm not willing to do rn
like fuck you yay fuck my life

Got so depressed school reopens within two days
results omg trial omg so omg

Sokay after two weeks is happy day again
shit i think i fall in love with them
like i will never pull myself back again

 "And i believed, one day the 2x dream gonna come true." 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Amazing holiday

Hi guys! I must say that I had a great time with ze friends at the Detective Camp aka 神探营 that I attended last week at Kuantan. Tbh this is one of my best camp, yes lots of memories created in these six days *smile*

Holding my Uranus's group flag w/ my gangs (Jingwen and Miner)

Sugar biscuit advertisement w/ Ahpeng 

Yay we're group of counselor! 1/2 left out tho

Day 3 night: crazy party

Too much blur photos

Okay, here's come the clear one but omg so ugly sial

Still ugly me but pretty Yuki infront and sexy Yewfaii behind *rofl*

Here's come a group photo yoohoo 

Still ugly because we rave too much HAHAHA

Last but not least, the long lost friend, a good listener of mine - Dennis Yeo Yong Shiuan

Special thanks to Jingwen, Miner, Xinying, Aitee and Ahpeng as accompanies for these days. Thanks alot to Dennis, Ahseng and Yewtieen for bringing us hang out together the day after the camp. Thanks Ahtew for being our driver who drove us to Mamak stall for supper too. Thanks to Yewfaii also, stay sweet with Joey haha so much fun seeing them being together, cute to the max. See you guys again at Raub Famine 30! *wave* *wave* *cries*

Wednesday, May 27, 2015




「 不要总是听信别人的话,凡事都得自己探索  


「 永远不要那么任性,尤其对爱自己的人 


「 身边的人,这一刻只想好好珍惜 

我们错过最好的时光,可是我们会创造最美的回忆。这一群损友从初中走到高中,从吵架冷战到和好然后再吵架再和好,回忆满满。五年真的很短,短到你我都无法想象。我不敢想像以后若没有人和我斗嘴,没有人和我叽喳聊个不停,没有人和我一起笑一起哭;肯定很狼狈。有那么一句话:Friendship is not a big thing, it's a million little things

「 十七岁,总是力不从心 


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Still here

想笑的同时  也想哭
好像越走越远  越来越琢磨不清



Sunday, May 10, 2015

Okay cool

除了家人  好像也没有什么值得挂念的
其实就算现在停止呼吸  这样离开
我也会默认接受  反正对我而言  无所谓

或者说  坦然接受死亡是正面的


Wednesday, May 06, 2015


I think i will die, in few months time
lol i mean die mentally or soulless *no*

April was really sucks
every thing is fine at the beginning
but when it came to the last
huh, "are you kidding me" mode on af

so pray for a better May
exam month like HAHAHAHAHAH CRIES
we need more peruncingan aka answer

nearly 900 how can you
like, being so mutou
but i know, mutou can't lie
so i heart you

 "That's the thing about pain, It demands to be felt." 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Stupid sia

I think i'm too tired of everything
and i hate everything that appears in my life

Thought of 2015 will be better
but it is actually a badass that i don't want to face with

Middle finger to all the "brainless educated" people
ops, but i will never show my middle finger to anyone
because that shows "low education"

 Spm ain't devil, but my school is the bitch 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Night changes

可是后来才发现 不是这样的

当然 每个人都努力地让善打败恶
嗯 或许不是每个人


不管以前 以后 过去 现在 未来

我都还在怕 就只是怕 怕也做不了什么

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I knew him since 12 years ago
he's quite popular, blur, stupid, and noisy
a good friend that i would never leave him behind
the sampat-ness of him makes him asked me lot of questions
but tbh he isn't a good listener, yet he is bad at telling stories
maybe he is shy or he doesn't want people to know

I knew him since 2 years ago
he's quite active, flirty, caring, and nice
i asked him a lot, and he told me a lot too
we are each others' listener even i don't tell him much
people around ship us but i'm annoyed 'bout this
cause i know that we're only friends, or brother(?)

I don't care what people will think of me
but they're really important for me i don't know why lol
except the four-ever girls, ninety-seventeen girls, the hipster,
the nerdy hardworking lui and the angel nv shen
both of them are important, presence as opposite gender

 "I smile, even i'm tired mentally and physically af." 

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Crazy in love

Ciao! tbh I just finished watching Fifty Shades of Grey, lol. but you know that feeling haha, i'm in the mood so much desperate to blog about it. Actually it's better than what i've imagined, since people around me said that's a no-meaning kind of movie, or too horny to be watched. Anyway, i agreed with the reason why Malaysia banned this movie.

The full movie is about 125 minutes (since i googled about it), but what i watched is about 120 minutes. Yeap, some of the sex scenes were deleted, and i think it doesn't have much affect on me since i'm not that desperately want to watch 'em. Not going to say it's a must-watch movie, but at least, it is not too bad for me.

Pretty story line (God thanks to EL James), and Ana is so pretty, sweet and elegant! Christian hmm, he is so gentleman i kennot. He is lovable and trust me please lol. Although i got no chance to read the books yet, but i know i will read them very soon (sorry i'm in the mood i wanna know what happened to Ana and Christian after this).

Before i watched this, i did some questions to few people on Would be a little awkward to say, erm i got them, even though i didn't read the books, but my mood does swings along with Ana. I think i'm mature enough to get this story with an open-minded. For me, it's quite exciting, that feeling you want to know what will happen to both Ana and Christian, awww.

Lastly, to those who only focus on the sex scenes and said it is a so called porn (actually i don't deny), you're not good enough to value this movie. Get a life dude.


Sunday, March 01, 2015


Tbh i think it's me to disappoint both of you
But still, yah i got no guts to say sorry

Everything goes weird 
since both of you didn't talk about it anymore
or it's actually mean that you two accepted it all?

Hmm not sure about that tho
Only thing i can conclude is you're not important anymore
I mean myself, me, mine

 I'm not puppet, I got feeling one k. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Not the only one

Having this feeling is weird af
I should be calm but i can't keep myself calm

Maybe i only wish to not staying at home
Or i only wish to join party
Or i only wish to curse somebody
Or maybe non of them

I always can't understand myself well
And it kinda killing me

 Why we couldn't back to how we used to be? 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why so devil

Maybe you should stop being nice
or maybe you should stop kidding me

Not afraid to be drown
Because ain't got time for love

But me you know i'm an evil now
Was afraid i will lose control
and did something that gonna frighten all of you

 Trying hard to find the angel-side of me, but failed 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

(N) everything



说真的 不服气

几时才能够离开这里 永远不再回来

 When i'm not going to tell you, don't ask then. and please go to hell. 

Thursday, February 05, 2015


I need your loving i need you now
When i'm without you, i'm something weak

You said, truth is ugly
But why are you believe to it?

Sometimes, you accept something broken
Because you know that it is better
Unfortunately i'm now trying to accept something bad, yet broken

And it's killing me when you're away
Or you're still here

 "I really love how tumblr girl holding cigarette" 

Thursday, January 29, 2015


I hate when people talk about you in a sudden
I don't actually know how should i react

People around me don't know, you don't know

How hard i tried to survive
How hard i tried to hold my tears everyday
How hard i tried to sleep in nights

If you really want him, just go and get him
Repeating it everyday doesn't help

 Shut the fuck up 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Allergic to human

It was the first time i feel that you're annoying af
Follow your decision because
It is meaningless to seek for attention

Every time i turn my head off and take a look
Ha ha ha, "my past is always a legendary joke"

I'm okay without everyone, and i really mean it
Trust nobody because nobody value it
The only one who will be with me till the last is me

 Come on skinny love, what happened here? 

Sunday, January 18, 2015


她说 或许你知道我在撒谎所以你没问
我想也是 毕竟你那么了解我





Sunday, January 11, 2015

In my head


世界很大 大到我们一辈子都没有机会遇见
世界很小 小到我一抬头就能看见你的微笑


 The best thing I can do now is dreaming about you 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Real friend won't leave

Tbh, i can't find someone like you
you are so special to me
you are so special to everyone like me

thank you for listening to me,
keeping me calm, giving me advice,
& motivating me all the time

real friend will never leave you no matter what
a friendzone is not really a friendzone

刹那间 我觉得有你这个蓝颜 就够了

 Falling in love w/ Arctic Monkeys and The XX, accidentally 

Saturday, January 03, 2015


1. Studies
After so many years of being lazy, i should be hardworking this year lol. Spm is quite important, everybody knows so well. However, eight, nine or even ten A+ seems too hard to achieve, I choose to work hard for all A's, no matter how is it, work for it. for what? scholarships of course.

2. Co-curricular activities
Since i'm not a sporty girl, so nothing relates to me when it came to field. but there are kelab beruniform and persatuan bahasa cina too. Will absolutely "try my best" to join camping this year *and why the hell I never join camping these past years?* *i'm so failed lol*

3. Driving license
Basically I don't think "hey I got my driving license!" is cool. but I think i'm gonna feel great when me can drive. i mean just drive to everywhere i want, no need to beg my parents for driving me sini sana, it must be GGGRRREEEAAATTT.

4. Graduation party
Erm, no matter how is it. either a graduation ceremony or a gathering, i do appreciate it. Although i know i'm not that close with the 98's but there's fate between each of us, so chill lol. Hope our friendship getting better since it is the last year of high school.

5. Travel
A trip after spm is a must. they would say, "no matter where you are, you will be happy when you're with your friends" yea this is damn true! Penang? Malacca? KL? whatever lah. and too, hoping the government won't shift plkn batch one to an earlier date like what batch 97 are suffering now. if not, everything will ruin zz

6. Remain the same
I mean like, i can still update my blog
, even there is only few times per month. but that's enough for me. i can still text someone like what i do now. everyone around me stay safe and sound, healthy always, happy always.

7. XJ life
Have to say that i missed out so many activities last year. so, i want to join more xj activities this year, as much as i can. *hope i can afford them as well* it is no wrong to meet awesome people right? yes, there are really many awesome people in xuehai, awesome xj(s) *smirk*

 2015, here I come to accomplish my wishlist of the year!